Welcome back Crew 59 Scouts and Scouters,
It is time to (re-) register for the coming scouting year. The following describes the required documentation and fees. If you have registered in the previous years then you do not need to fill out a new BSA application form. We do need the attached documents completed and returned prior to registration (November 15th).
Adults who are registered need to complete the online Youth Protection Training which may be found at the following link, http://myscouting.org
1.The Crew dues are payable now. Please make checks payable to Caldwell West Caldwell Scouting Inc. The Crew 59 has set the dues for the year at $50 per scout (If you have more than one scout in the troop then the fee for these additional scouts is $40 as duplicate copies of Boy’s Life need not be sent) and $20.00 per adult. Included in these dues are the fees the Crew pays to the Northern New Jersey Council to enroll a scout, a one year subscription to Boy’s Life Magazine, and a fee that will offset crew expense throughout the year.
2.Crew 59 Registration and Personal Data Collection Form- Please update your address, phone numbers, emergency contact name, and the email addresses for both parents/guardian and your son. Some scouts may not have email addresses or do not check email regularly. It is important that we have an email address for the parent/guardian because many troop notices are distributed via email.
We look forward to an exciting year. As always, any questions or concerns please fell free to contact me.
Yours in Scouting,
Mr. Cristiano
2011 Registration Forms: