Crop with the Crew 2012 Confirmation
Thank you for registering with Venture Crew 59 for Crop with the Crew 2012. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, March 31st at the North Caldwell Fire Department Community Center.
Please send your $45 check to “Crop with the Crew” c/o Karen Dow 13 Van Ness Place West Caldwell NJ 07006 before March 24.
The unofficial address for the North Caldwell Fire Department Community Center is 134 Gould Ave, North Caldwell NJ. (There is no number assigned to the building but it is directly across the street from the fire/police department.)
View Larger Map
There is street parking, just be mindful of the signs, yellow painted lines and the fact that we are near both the fire trucks and police cars. Additionally, there is a parking lot behind the center…and this is where the benefit of having Venture Crew members help you carry/pull/tote your stuff comes in especially handy!
Check the website for updates. I will be posting vendors and the menu as they are confirmed.
Sea Base SCUBA Adventure 2013 via Patriot’s Path
Patriots’ Path Council High Adventure Committee Announces
Sea Base SCUBA Adventure Program or Live Aboard SCUBA June / July 2013
Be on the lookout for a PPC Sea Base SCUBA program for the summer 2013. PPC has entered into the Sea Base lottery for a SCUBA event for the last week of June 2013. If you are interested please send an email to [email protected] . You must be a certified diver in order to attend and meet Sea Base Medical requirements. Program details will be available once the lottery results are posted.
Venturing Shoot-o-Rama for areas 3-5 (that’s us btw, area 5)
Area 3 – 5 Rivers Council – Venturing Shoot-O-Rama
WhenSat, April 14, 8am – 4pm
WhereCamp Gorton, Five Rivers Council (map)
DescriptionWHO: This is an event being hosted by the Shooting Sports & Venturing Committee of the Five Rivers Council, but any Venturer, Crew Leader, or Parent in the Northeast Region may attend. WHAT: A day of shooting Rifles, Shotguns, and Pistols with other Venturers. WHEN: Saturday, April 14, 2012 from 8 AM to 4 PM. A Friday night (April 13, 2012) training option will be available for those who wish to take the REQUIRED Pistol Shooting Training, or Recommended Rifle and Shotgun Trainings. WHERE: The event will be held at Five Rivers Council’s Camp Gorton HOW MUCH: Registration is $15 per person if paid by Saturday , March 31, 2012 or $20 per person if paid between April 1 & 9, 2012. All ammo, firearms, targets, and a soup & sandwhich lunch will be provided. MORE INFORMATION: If you would like more information, please see the attached documents. If these files do not answer your questions, they contain contact information for people who have an answer. Registration materials will be released from Five Rivers Council on February 4, 2012. You may also visit the Five Rivers Council’s webpage about this event directly at
SCUBA Jam in the fall
The 2012 Labor Day weekend will be the 3rd Annual SCUBAJAM aimed at Venturers
and Scouts to have a weekend of fun SCUBA Diving and participating in different
activities with their peers.
Activities last year included:
Scavenger Hunt
Archeaology Diving
Bouyancy Challenge course
Navigation course
Discover SCUBA sessions
Dry Suit Demonstration
U/W Photography and how to process your shots.
Night Diving
Project Aware and Water Quality testing
Diver’s Alert Network
4 Days of Diving
3 Nights of Camping
over $5,000 in prizes
Join us at Lake Rawlings, VA August 31 – Spetember 3!
or email me directly at MENGILES@…
check it out:
There and Back Again
The Crew had a hike today from Hilltop Reservation in North Caldwell to Mills reservation in Cedar Grove. While not the most difficult of Hikes, they did cover almost 11 miles in full packs. Not a bad day.
Here is a map of the Trail and the Elevation Changes:
And a few pictures from the Hike…
[pb_slideshow group=”3″]
And planning for the next hike:
We mentioned that the next hike would be a bit more difficult.
I am thinking about the State Line Trail and a loop around Surprise Lake.
Here are some links to the trail and elevation changes from when I last did it (March 2008). This would be March 10th 2012.
VOA Rock Climbing Night
Here is the link to Northern New Jersey BSA for registering for the VOA rock climbing night in Feb. Deadline is 2/5 for signing up. They are looking for belayers–who will get a discount on the admission.
2011 Registration Information
Welcome back Crew 59 Scouts and Scouters,
It is time to (re-) register for the coming scouting year. The following describes the required documentation and fees. If you have registered in the previous years then you do not need to fill out a new BSA application form. We do need the attached documents completed and returned prior to registration (November 15th).
Adults who are registered need to complete the online Youth Protection Training which may be found at the following link,
1.The Crew dues are payable now. Please make checks payable to Caldwell West Caldwell Scouting Inc. The Crew 59 has set the dues for the year at $50 per scout (If you have more than one scout in the troop then the fee for these additional scouts is $40 as duplicate copies of Boy’s Life need not be sent) and $20.00 per adult. Included in these dues are the fees the Crew pays to the Northern New Jersey Council to enroll a scout, a one year subscription to Boy’s Life Magazine, and a fee that will offset crew expense throughout the year.
2.Crew 59 Registration and Personal Data Collection Form- Please update your address, phone numbers, emergency contact name, and the email addresses for both parents/guardian and your son. Some scouts may not have email addresses or do not check email regularly. It is important that we have an email address for the parent/guardian because many troop notices are distributed via email.
We look forward to an exciting year. As always, any questions or concerns please fell free to contact me.
Yours in Scouting,
Mr. Cristiano
2011 Registration Forms:
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