In the wee hours ….
Philmont 2012
At Monday’s meeting we talked about the Crew going to Philmont in 2012.
We have secured a trek leaving base camp on July 26th 2012 for a 10 day trek. We need to send in a confirmation, along with $250 per attendee as soon as possible.
We looked at the BSA Video about Philmont:
I have attached the paperwork and cost estimates for the trek below in both Word and PDF format. If you have any questions, please let me know. At this point we must have a decision by next week (2/17).
January 2011 Updates
The Venture Crew Calendar is now updated! Check it out. Crew Calendar
Our next meeting is Bowling at Rockaway Lanes on January 17th.
We discussed Philmont for 2012. Take a look at this post Philmont Overview from the Troop 9 Philmont website and you can look at the Official Philmont website as well.
Here is a taste of what you can find at Philmont (from my trip in 2008- Click on the picture for a Full size version):
November and December Update
At the last venture meeting Rock Climbing at the NJ Rock Gym and Bowling was discussed.
We are trying to set up Rock Climbing for December. We need belayers and they can get ‘trained’ on Mondays. We are planning the first night of climbing for 12/10, so that will mean that belayers would need to be trained on 12/6. Belaying Training costs $40 (but it comes with a free pass) and Friday rock Climbing is half price for teens which is $11.50
Please sign up here:
Bowling Night was set for November 29th at East Hanover Lanes. I need to give them a headcount to get a final price.
Please let us know if you are coming by signing up:
Future Events are being discussed. They include:
These can be talked about at the next meeting, or just leave a comment here 🙂
Upcoming Event: Surprise Lake Hike
The Venture Crew will be heading out on Friday November 26th on a hike on the Bearfort Ridge, featuring Surprise Lake (click on the image for a full size view):
We will be meeting at 9am in order to start at the trail head at 10:00 am. A great article on the area and the hike can be found here
Download the permission slip in PDF format
Please sign up here:
If you have any questions, contact Mr. Cristiano or Elena
Hike on the Appalachian Trail
Appalachian Trail Hike and Camping
At the last meeting I was asked to set up a hiking and camping trip for Saturday August 28th to Sunday August 29th.
The hike will be along the Kittatiny Ridge and the camping is at Mohican Lodge:
The hike plan will be set before we go. Billy has volunteered to do this task. If anyone wants to help him, let him know.
Please sign up using the form here:
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